You can only choose one!
Yes we know it is an impossible task, but January 4th we are hosting a calisthenics intensive seminar - three seminars on one day! Each one will focus on a specific skill or element of calisthenics. So, if you or someone you know have been looking to improve your handstand, maybe get your first muscle-up, or you would like an introduction to freestyle skills this is the time to get started! This is also an ideal gift for the person in your life that wants to learn calisthenics!
What’s covered?
Each workshop is three hours long, so whichever workshop you choose, you are guaranteed to go home with lots of new ideas, concepts and progressions to kick-start your calisthenics training!
In our handstand seminar we will be providing you with:
Detailed warm-ups and muscle activation movements
Progressive techniques that focus on alignment
Guided progression throughout that will enable you to ‘funnel’ what is relevant for your own handstand progress after!
Our Muscle-Up seminar will provide you with:
Detailed progressions
Correct technique
A specific programme tailored to where you are currently afterwards
Our freestyle workshop will introduce you to dynamic and static skills!
This will be an entry point to dynamic movements, and what we work on will be guided by the group.
Static movements covered will include front and back lever.
So you have three choices, which way are you going? Are you a hand balancer? A Muscle-Up Merchant or Freestyle Fanatic? Choose one and register below to kickstart your bodyweight training in the new year with new skills!
Our registration form is below, if you have any further questions just shoot us a message!