Introduction to Calisthenics
We are delighted to be launching our Online Introduction to Calisthenics Series!
This will contain six online sessions through zoom and will cover the foundational elements to beginning calisthenics. All content and exercises covered in each sessions will also be available online. We will have PDFs, Presentations and Video Tutorials all available while you become part of a wider online community geared towards helping each other improve and learn calisthenics.
In this series we will cover:
Push Ups
Back and Shoulders
Bridge and Core
Hand Balancing
Lower Body
There is only twelve places available on the course and this will sell out quickly. If you are interested please fill out the application form below.
In our Mobility Session we will perform a mobility screening on each participant. This will be made relevant to calisthenics and the testing is specific to our sport and our predominant muscle groups. After each assessment we will then make recommendations for each person and you will be brought through our mobility programme, with each person taking a designing a programme relevant to them and their score in the mobility screening.
All content will be available to each participant online after the session in PDF, Presentation and Video.
push ups
In our Push-Ups Session we will look at all variations of Push-Ups. From looking at how we can develop our strength to go towards a one arm push up, we will also look at explosive type push-ups and ones that are fun challenges you can add in to your workouts!
The Push-Up is an amazing exercise and we want to show you how you can make it relevant to your training goals and encorporate the aspects of the movement that suit you. Whether you want to develop strength, explosivity or add variety to your training, this session will show you how!
back and shoulders
When people begin calisthenics this is usually the area which is most commonly injured. What we want to do is show you how you can avoid falling into the trap of common injuries within calisthenics by training the less dominant muscle groups within the sport. We will look at posture and how we can balance our training, reduce the risk of injury and help us to continue training for a longer time frame by creating sensible programmes.