Ballybrack Operating Procedures

Please ensure you have read and are familiar with our operating procedures before our return to classes in Scoil Cholmcille Ballybrack


  • All classes are registered for online.

  • Before anyone can attend a class you must first complete a screening form.

  • Parents/Guardians also have to update us before each class indicating that there has been no change in their child’s symptoms.


  • We will ask all parents/guardians driving to park at Tesco to avoid clusters of people at the entrance of the school and the houses in the neighbourhood.

  • Arrival would be at the top of the yard - Ashlawn entrance.

  • We will have a coach outside in the yard and a hand sanitising station.

  • Temperature will also be taken upon arrival.

  • We will ask parents upon arrival to create social distancing and remain 2m apart.

  • Before entering indoors we will allow one person in at a time.

  • One of our coaches will be at the entrance and will direct them to their designated area.

  • Parents will not be allowed to stay for the session.

Indoor Policy / During the Session

  • When entering indoors each individual will be directed to their designated area.

  • This will be mapped out beforehand. Each space will be 2m apart.

  • We will take a maximum number of twelve participants.

  • We will have two coaches. Six participants to each coach.

  • This will be their group and coach for the foreseeable future.


  • The area will be split in to two halves.

  • One coach will be in either half with their group.

  • We will ask that three kids are at each wall.

  • Cones will be placed down to indicate where they stand and to maintain social distancing of 2m.

  • With the room split in half this will mean we use four walls, two in each half.


  • We will ask all participants to bring their own yoga mat.

  • We will use our Pull-Up Bar as the only piece of equipment.

  • All equipment, safety mats etc., will be sprayed with anti-bacterial spray before, during and after each session.

  • Before anyone enters the equipment and safety mats will be sprayed down.

  • During the session, after each participant has a go the bars will be sprayed.

  • After the class, the equipment will be sprayed down again.


  • All coaches are trained in Covid-19 Sport Ireland Training Course.

  • All coaches will wear gloves and either masks or face shields.

  • We use the face shields for certain groups, particularly the younger groups as they are less intimidating.

  • Coaches will only come into contact with the participants when spotting them for movements, to ensure safety. During this time they will be wearing all PPE Equipment.

Session Completion

  • Each session will last forty minutes.

  • This gives a twenty minute window before the next group arrive.

  • When the session is complete, we will ask all kids to go back to a designated cone.

  • All parents will be asked to come into the yard to collect and to create a distance of minimum 2m around the yard.

  • One coach will walk out to the yard and in a staggered system participants will be brought out one at a time for collection when their parents have entered the yard.

  • They will wash their hands at the hand sanitising station.

  • We will then spray the bars and mats down again before arrival of the next group.

End of the Evening

  • At the end of the evening we will perform a thorough cleaning of areas and surfaces used in accordance with cleaning checklist provided by the school.