Indoor Classes Return September 20th
Hi Guys,
I am delighted that from Monday September 20th we are allowed to return to indoor classes!
This is a great step forward for ourselves and everyone involved. I would like to say a big thanks to everyone that has stated involved with us for the past couple of months while we have had to remain outdoors, and I appreciate everyone's patience and understanding while we had to run outdoor activity.
Anyone that has been involved with us pre covid understands the difference between our outdoor and indoor sessions and I am delighted for everyone involved that they will now get to experience that and to be able to move forward and be optimistic about classes again.
For us personally, this now allows us to hopefully focus and concentrate on the sport itself and helping everyone involved with us develop, as opposed to the way it has been for the last while, where the focus for everyone has been around covid.
I am really excited to get back inside and look forward to welcoming everyone from Monday!
With this in mind I want to highlight below our operating procedures. This is slightly different now that we are indoors. Also it is important to be aware that we are renting a school, this is not our own facility so we need to be mindful and considerate that this building is used by others so we need to create as safe and as hygienic an environment as possible. I appreciate everyone's co-operation around this. Please check the operating procedures below and I look forward to seeing everyone next week!
If you have any questions just let me know.
Bar Monkey Indoor Operating Procedures
All classes are registered for online.
Before anyone can attend a class they must first complete a screening form.
They also have to update us before each class indicating that there has been no change in their symptoms.
We will ask all parents/guardians driving to park at Tesco to avoid clusters of people at the entrance.
Arrival would be at the top of the yard - Ashlawn entrance.
We will have a coach outside in the yard and a hand sanitising station.
We will ask parents upon arrival to create social distancing and remain 2m apart.
Before entering indoors we will allow one person in at a time.
One of our coaches will be at the entrance and will direct them to their designated area.
Indoor Policy / During the Session
When entering indoors each individual will be directed to their designated area.
This will be mapped out beforehand. Each space will be 2m apart.
We will take a maximum number of twelve participants.
We will have two coaches. Two pods of six participants to each coach.
This will be their group and coach for the foreseeable future.
The area will be split into two halves.
One coach will be in either half with their group.
We will ask that three kids are at each wall. Cones will be placed down to indicate where they stand and to maintain social distancing of 2m.
With the room split in half, this will mean we use four walls, two in each half.
We will use our Pull-Up Bar and Parallel Bars as the only piece of equipment.
All equipment, safety mats etc., will be sprayed with anti-bacterial spray before, during and after each session.
Before anyone enters the equipment and safety mats will be sprayed down.
During the session, after each participant has a go the bars will be sprayed. - After the class, the equipment will be sprayed down again.
All coaches are trained in Covid-19 Sport Ireland Training Course
All coaches will wear masks
Coaches will only come into contact with the participants when spotting them for movements, to ensure safety. During this time they will be wearing all PPE Equipment.
Session Completion
Each session will last one hour.
When the session is complete, we will ask all kids to go back to a designated cone.
All parents will be asked to come into the yard to collect and to create a distance of a minimum of 2m around the yard.
One coach will walk out to the yard and in a staggered system participants will be brought out one at a time for collection when their parents have entered the yard.
They will wash their hands at the hand sanitising station.
We will then spray the bars and mats down again before the next group enter the building.
End of the Evening
At the end of the evening, we will perform a thorough cleaning of areas and surfaces used in accordance with cleaning checklist provided by the school.