2018 Timetable

Timetable 2018.jpg

Hey everyone, 

A big Happy New Year from us all at Bar Monkey! 

We are really excited to start the new year and can't wait to welcome everyone back to classes!

With that in mind we just wanted to update everyone on the timetable and when we will be back with all our individual classes.

Saturday January 6th is our official return to classes, so anyone involved in our Saturday Groups we look forward to welcoming you all back then! 

Monday January 8th is our return to our normal schedule for everyone in our regular classes. 

There is currently a small amount of spaces available in our Thursday 7-10 age group, so if anyone is interested or knows somebody interested in getting involved please just get in touch with us at jamie@barmonkeycalisthenics.com. 

We can't wait to get 2018 started and hope that everyone is looking forward to getting back up and running! 

If anyone has any questions in the meantime please just let us know.







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